Assignment #2 for marking
1. Put 10 W of thermal power into one end of a 30 cm long, 2 cm diameter aluminum rod, painted matt black. Assume the ambient temperature is a uniform 20 C, and the convection constant kc = 5 W/m2/K. In your submission, include your code and a properly labelled graph of steady-state temperature versus position on the rod.
2. Estimate kc for a horizontal rod to get a better number than my guessed 5 W/m2/K. You will have to do some digging around the internet for this. Show your working and where you got the information from.
Make sure that you indicate your answers appropriately, e.g. "The RMS velocity of air at 273K is v_rms = ... ".
Email your homework to
Submit ONE pdf file, named ENPH257_A2_yourfamilyname.pdf by 08:30am Tuesday 30th.
If you are one of the Lins or Wilsons, append the initial of your given name to the filename.