Talk:The Portrayal of Women Through Media

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback019:26, 27 March 2018
Comment004:31, 24 March 2018
Feedback008:09, 14 November 2017
Feedback008:08, 14 November 2017
Feedback023:24, 10 November 2017
Feedback 005:54, 10 November 2017
Feedback019:12, 9 November 2017
Peer Review003:46, 9 November 2017

Hello, Thanks for sharing! I think this is a really relevant topic for today, and I recognize both the benefits and dangers of social media for women. The sequence of the information and the background information was a definite plus, but a suggestion would be to add a few sentences to perhaps explore what other dangerous factors there are other than the "role models" on social media that distort our perception of "real beauty." Another suggestion would be to add a few other solutions other than the example of Dove Commercials!

TomoYamaguchi (talk)19:26, 27 March 2018


I found your wiki page to be very informative and thoughtful and most definitely relevant to todays society. I think what you can add to this page are images (not sure if you are able to do this or not) but I feel that especially with your topic that images will make your point even stronger. An example would be, just days ago Lili Reinhart (actress from the TV show Riverdale) posted a before and after photo from Cosmopolitan Philippines which shows how the editors edited her body to be more skinny and more "attractive". If you are able to share this story and post the pictures of the magazine before and afters I feel it will really shock your readers and emphasize your problem.

MarcusLong (talk)04:31, 24 March 2018

Hi, I think that this is such an interesting topic because personally it can be relatable with most people with social media. I think it's a strong topic where you can also mention the manipulation of technology and society's learned dependence on social media and how it is shaping how we think and act. This topic reminded me of the story of Essenia O'Neill who was an Instagram famous star who quit social media and revealed all the harsh realties of her posts and how she felt about it and who is now an activist against it ( Also I really like how you categorized your information and the sections you made. Good luck on the rest of your project :)

ChristinaFung (talk)08:09, 14 November 2017

Hi, I think that this is such an interesting topic because personally it can be relatable with most people with social media. I think it's a strong topic where you can also mention the manipulation of technology and society's learned dependence on social media and how it is shaping how we think and act. This topic reminded me of the story of Essenia O'Neill who was an Instagram famous star who quit social media and revealed all the harsh realties of her posts and how she felt about it and who is now an activist against it ( Also I really like how you categorized your information and the sections you made. Good luck on the rest of your project :)

ChristinaFung (talk)08:08, 14 November 2017

This topic is very relevant to today's society. It would be a good idea to stress what lengths people go to try and achieve those unrealistic standards and the effects that has on the person's well-being. Some iconic social media users have made efforts to promote things such as learning to accept yourself not try to change to achieve unrealistic goals, yet these are often the users that are posting images of themselves that are seen as "body goals" or "beauty goals" . I think it would be interesting to address whether these people promoting self love are doing so in an effective way, or being contradictory.

ZoeGillis (talk)23:24, 10 November 2017

This is such as great topic! I love your use of female figures and influencers, I think you should focus more on the self-esteem issues that social media causes. A lot of celebrities and influencers use photoshop to enhance their body features and sometimes that causes females to go after this "ideal image" that they try to chase. I think it would be great to see some examples of photoshop, and how they have used them to enhance their futures. (before and after photoshop photos)

ZahraBarani (talk)05:54, 10 November 2017

Hello! I love the topic you chose. It is so relevant to today's society and we all need to be more informed! Just a few thoughts: I would love to see a subtopic simply defining and outlining the term "social media". Are you simply looking to focus on social media, or other forms of media as well? I'm also interested in what you'll be writing for "Dove Commercials"; make sure it significantly highlights the portrayal of women in media as it's your central topic. I also love that you have inserted photos to go along with your content; this really keeps the readers engaged throughout the entire article. Hope this helps.



CarolineWang (talk)19:12, 9 November 2017

Peer Review

I really enjoy the topic you chose as this is a very prominent factor is how women dress and go about their daily actives in today's life. Under your female figures, I would maybe add a few more examples of popular female figures in social media. You already have Kylie Jenner but you could also add someone in politics (as you wrote in your “platform of information”) or maybe even a figure in the fitness genre. When I think of female figures in social media I think of Selena Gomez (as she has the most followers), Hilary Clinton or Michelle Obama. I really enjoyed your information and I would love to read the finished product.

TaylorMcNeill (talk)03:46, 9 November 2017