Peer Review

Peer Review


I really liked that you chose the topic of the Me Too Movement; it is very much a current topic. I enjoyed reading the information on the origins of the movement and how it came about. Perhaps you could include in your discussion the significance and importance of the Me Too Movement for women in sharing their stories. You are certainly right that the movement has helped many women around the world come forward to share their voice and raise awareness but could another significance be that it has played a role in shifting society’s views of women? Why is the Me Too Movement and Times Up Movement so important in contemporary society? In addition, maybe you could explore how these movements are related to feminism, have they helped feminist objectives or furthered feminist goals, if so, in what ways? For example, maybe you could write about how the movements are challenging the notion that women are subordinate, they are portraying women as worthy and able to stand up against sexual harassment. I agree with Rudia that it would be good to take a more in depth look at this movement from an intersectional perspective. As you said, women do not define sexual violence in an identical manner as a result of differences in age, race, social positions…what does the Me Too and Times Up movement mean for women of color, women from different classes and ethnicity, and different sexual orientations?

AnastasiaLuong (talk)07:13, 22 March 2018