Talk:Me Too Movement

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comment018:41, 26 March 2018
Peer Review010:07, 23 March 2018
Peer Review008:25, 23 March 2018
Peer Review 007:13, 22 March 2018
Feedback006:07, 18 March 2018

One tiny adjustment that I think could benefit this wiki page is the addition of the # symbols behind MeToo and TimesUp. Another suggestion I have is that with the sentence, "Her experience with sexual abuse was tragic and she hoped for no other girl to experience what she had so she wanted to create awareness of sexual assault." This sentence reads as if it could be refutable or untrue because there are no quotation marks that imply that this is said by the victim herself. If this is not said by the victim herself or it is a paraphrase from the author of the wiki page, I think the author should consider not placing their own subjective interpretations into the wiki page.

JulieTao (talk)18:31, 26 March 2018

Peer Review

Hello, I am so glad that you decided to choose to write about this very important topic. This hashtag and movement have become very popular in the mainstream media. The #MeToo movement is definitely a very significant movement that is going on in society, today. It is allowing people to recognize the power of their words and building up their confidence to speak up against what is wrong.

I would recommend writing a section about the reasons why some women did not want to verbally talk about being sexually assaulted, prior to the creation and popularity of this movement. I remember listening to an interview where some Olympians were testifying against a doctor. Some revealed the reasons why they did not tell anyone that they were sexually assaulted, one being that they feared that that would cause a tear in their career. They felt that they worked so hard to be able to participate in the Olympics, that they feared that if they were to talk about the incident, it would affect their chances of continuing to be part of the Olympic events.

Furthermore, I would suggest you write a section that talks about sexual assaults and the causes it can do to an individual. This movement definitely creates a voice not only to people but to women especially. It empowers women to work together to build awareness upon problems that may highly target women in general. Great start to your wiki page and can't wait to read more about it :).

TiffanyTang (talk)10:07, 23 March 2018

Peer Review

Hi there! This is a very cool topic, and so topical! Overall, I think your handling of the subject was very well done, succinct and clear for the reader. It is good that you included the origins of the movement and how it developed into what it is in its current form. From the intersectional lens, it was handled well, incorporating the aspects of race (in terms of is founder) and the topics of masculinities within the movement. Perhaps to push this further is to find a source that speaks to the racialized aspect of sexual harrasment/assault.

I know this might be hard considering this movement has only garnered public attention recently, but finding a theoretical academic source on the movement itself would really situate the wiki within a scholarly lens I think. You touch on this a bit, but maybe also elaborate on the controversy around some men admitting that they participated in sexual harrassment/assault and/or the effects and susbsequent response on those who have been accused (are these perpetrators like Donald Trump who denies these allegations, or like Morgan Spurlock?). Have people reacted well to these confessions or denials, or have they condemned them regardless of response?

Really great start, not too much to edit to make this wiki amazing!

ErvinWong (talk)08:25, 23 March 2018

Peer Review


I really liked that you chose the topic of the Me Too Movement; it is very much a current topic. I enjoyed reading the information on the origins of the movement and how it came about. Perhaps you could include in your discussion the significance and importance of the Me Too Movement for women in sharing their stories. You are certainly right that the movement has helped many women around the world come forward to share their voice and raise awareness but could another significance be that it has played a role in shifting society’s views of women? Why is the Me Too Movement and Times Up Movement so important in contemporary society? In addition, maybe you could explore how these movements are related to feminism, have they helped feminist objectives or furthered feminist goals, if so, in what ways? For example, maybe you could write about how the movements are challenging the notion that women are subordinate, they are portraying women as worthy and able to stand up against sexual harassment. I agree with Rudia that it would be good to take a more in depth look at this movement from an intersectional perspective. As you said, women do not define sexual violence in an identical manner as a result of differences in age, race, social positions…what does the Me Too and Times Up movement mean for women of color, women from different classes and ethnicity, and different sexual orientations?

AnastasiaLuong (talk)07:13, 22 March 2018

Hi there, I really appreciated reading more about how this movement began, the story and the motivations of the woman who wanted to start an open conversation. I would like to ask if you could provide more in-depth information on how this movement also spread across other social media platforms as well making its way into mainstream media/culture. Perhaps also, providing an intersectional perspective to this movement could provide more specific insight/information on what groups (race, culture, ethnicity, sexuality, class, age, etc.) of women/people were participating in this Me Too movement. Is this an extension of feminism or is it just a separate movement removed from that realm?

RudiaNam (talk)06:06, 18 March 2018