

Alicia: paragraph for the Materials Analysis --> write how the class separated into teams to retrieve the trash, and how categories were determined and sorted

AliciaBondar (talk)07:19, 1 April 2020

Maddie: paragraph for the Qualitative Survey -> write about survey goals, information gathered, and how survey was conducted.

Other responsibilities for other team members: - limitations for materials analysis - limitations for qualitative survey - editing materials analysis (checking grammar, making sure all important points are covered, etc.) - editing qualitative survey - ensuring writing and terminology is cohesive with the sections of other groups

What do you guys think?

MadeleineHamilton (talk)17:55, 1 April 2020

Gemma: Limitations for the Qualitative Survey, proof reading & editing

- checking grammar - making sure all important points are covered - ensuring writing & terminology is cohesive with other groups' sections

GemmaSpink (talk)21:12, 2 April 2020

Please see feedback for the outline in the comments of the assignment.

LindsayDer (talk)09:36, 3 April 2020

Make sure to add a lead in for your section where it says insert text here.

LindsayDer (talk)01:51, 7 April 2020