Peer Review

Peer Review

Make sure you define what  “double standard” means.

The Title for “Drinking culture (reaction to Canadian women’s team following Olympics 2010)” is quite long I would revise it and make it more relevant to the body text – e.g “Celebration culture and Alcohol” would be a better title in my opinion. Also make sure you get the 5 peer reviewed sources for your wiki page. In addition, I would also in your wiki analyse how intersectionality has an effect on women in hockey. Moreover, I think you should talk about potential solutions or things already being done to this longstanding issue. Or if there is nothing being done, what can we do to alleviate this matter. Lots of good information, but I think the body text for Drinking culture could be condensed so that you can make room for more smaller topics that are important to the case. I think it would be interesting if you explained why specifically the case is that women are subject to these certain rules and how they were originated. Otherwise, this is great start to the wiki. I’m looking forward to reading the final product!

GodfreyCheng (talk)07:12, 23 March 2018