
From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comment004:37, 24 March 2018
Feedback Comment 017:10, 21 March 2018
Peer Review -- Intersectional Feminism 020:06, 20 March 2018


I really loved reading your article on intersectional feminism and how it is needed today. One thing to point out is I think you should do a little more reading on how to create wiki pages and add better headings to your page. It makes it easier for readers to see what they are reading about and also makes it look better. Also try to stay away from adding too much of your opinion in the page and focus more on the informational part of it.

MarcusLong (talk)04:37, 24 March 2018

Feedback Comment

The topic you chose is an very interesting and informative, while also very relevant to the course. Just a suggestion on formatting, splitting up your sections into concise sections with larger headings might be helpful for the overall flow of your page and makes for a little more clear presentation of your ideas/topics. There is a help page that explains exactly how to do this, which I found very helpful. Additionally, providing wiki links to concepts, in your case such as the wage gap, or anything you think the reader might want to know more about/get a more detailed explanation on, are helpful as well. Hope these suggestions are helpful!

LeahWalden (talk)17:10, 21 March 2018

Peer Review -- Intersectional Feminism

Hi Jenessa,

Your topic really caught my eye, which is why I clicked on your page to give some comments! I thought that how you placed the word intersectionality really gave context to how you wanted to talk about the issue. The history you gave behind the word definetly gives it more meaning and gives people further insight into where the word came from and how it should be understood. Be careful of how you are using the word ie "intersectionality" vs "intersectional" etc... There were a couple spots where I think the word should have been used in a different conjugate. Overall, I think the introduction and topic was introduced well. One thing to consider would be other factors or issues that are influenced by intersectionality like access to contraceptives, access to healthcare, education, or political power. I think it would be great to include more of these topics besides the gender wage gap, since you do argue that the word intersectionality should be better understood because it affects so many different pillars of life. Consequently, if you do wish to only focus on the gender wage gap, I would consider renaming your Wiki Page to something that better reflects your topic. I think your conclusions was strong and helps brings everything and your personal analysis together! I read it almost as a call to action, which I think can have a powerful impact on your readers. I would just be careful of differentiating between personal opinion versus analysis based on your research.

Good Luck with the rest of your project :)


MatteaTsang (talk)20:06, 20 March 2018