Talk:GRSJ224/Women and the Job Search

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comment018:46, 26 March 2018
Peer Review022:58, 25 March 2018
Peer Review006:57, 24 March 2018
Feedback :)003:49, 24 March 2018
Peer Review020:57, 23 March 2018
Peer Review005:22, 23 March 2018

In your developments section, the final paragraph could be restructured. The very long beginning sentence is confusing and the overall paragraph seems vague. The phrase "significant repercussions" is especially vague. The paragraph's content seems speculative and could benefit from more citations. Other than that, this wiki page is informative and enjoyable. The pictures you included help a lot.

JulieTao (talk)18:46, 26 March 2018

Peer Review

I enjoyed reading your post, as you did a great job integrating sources and statistical data in supporting your claims that women, and especially women of colour, are isolated from the job search due to various factors (especially institutional). You clearly show an interest in your research and the topic you have chosen, which gets the reader engaged as well. One suggestion I would like to make however is to include more visual aids, that may help with the overall visual of the blog. But other than that, well done!

JungeunPark (talk)22:58, 25 March 2018

Peer Review

Hello. I was really surprised that your topic and my topic were quite similar, although I did not only talk about women in workplace, but also men in workplace. The contents you provided are very reliable and trustful from researches, however, I would like to suggest if you could add more on actions towards it; or solutions you may offer. Plus you could add more examples and cases on it. Thank you I really liked your topic.

JunghunKim (talk)06:57, 24 March 2018

Feedback :)

Great job on making the wiki page! Your wiki page is very organized and professional. The content you've provided is very clear and in dept which shows that you've done a good amount of research on this topic.An advice that could strengthen your wiki page is to add more pictures to make the page more visually appealing :)

AliciaChow (talk)03:49, 24 March 2018

Peer Review


I enjoyed reading over your wiki draft. You've clearly done your research on the topic and are passionate about it. My first suggestion would be to add some more visual aids because the text is quite condensed and it would assist the reader in absorbing all your information. Since you are talking about "Women and the Job search" in general, you are working within a very broad topic since while there definitely is a wage gap, this wage gap differs in all parts of the world. I'd suggest focusing on a selected region (North America, developing vs. developed nations, etc. ) because then you could make more effective statements and comparisons. I really like how you use multiple statistics to support your ideas because I feel it gives the reader a better understanding of the size and effect of problems women face in the workplace.

SophiaNicoleHarvey (talk)20:57, 23 March 2018

Peer Review

Hi! I found your Wiki page very interesting. As a Sociology major, many of my classes discuss the gender inequalities in the workplace, but I never really viewed it in the way that you presented your page. You emphasize how many women don't hold the same number of positions as men in the workplace because they don't even apply in the first place. I think that many people just assume that men are overrepresented in the workplace because employers always choose male over female employees, but that choice isn't possible if women don't apply for the job. The layout of your page flows like a journal article which, to me, is unusual for a Wiki page, but it still works. I noticed that in the first paragraph under "The Job Search," you used the word "caucasians." I'm not sure if this is a big deal, but I personally have been advised to try and avoid the use of that word as it "may offend some people." It's ultimately up to you if you want to keep that word in there! Another suggestion I have is to perhaps add more visuals so your page isn't too text-heavy. The text is very informative but it's always nice to have a couple coloured visuals. Good luck and I look forward to reading your finished page!


SaphiaLee (talk)05:22, 23 March 2018