Talk:GRSJ224/Abuse In The Residential School System

From UBC Wiki

Hi there! I just wanted to say that I think your topic is very interesting and informative! I just have a couple of suggestions though. It seems that you only have 3 headers or topics, and I think you should break it up! Like for the abuse section, you talked about all of the different disorders that were common after being abused. You could make sub headers about each of these topics within the main topic, and I just feel like it would be a lot easier to read through once it gets broken down!

Hope this helps. Ishia Calinisan


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback020:11, 23 March 2018

Hello, I really enjoyed your choice of topic. I think you need to include more citations and images. Also, I would go through your page and make sure you consistently capitalize “Aboriginal”, and make sure you’re consistent in either using “Aboriginal” or “First Nations”. I would also go more into detail about the experiences in residential schools. Right now it is quite vague and doesn’t fully illustrate the horror that was experienced. I would also include what is referred to as the cycle of trauma or intergenerational trauma and explain what it is.

AvaBelanger (talk)20:11, 23 March 2018