David Korten: Creating a Real Wealth Economy for a Just and Sustainable Future

David Korten spoke at UBC on the topic of sustainability as part of the part of the UBC Reads Sustainability lecture series. This session was recorded Wednesday on Sept 29th, 2010, in the Victoria Learning Theatre in the Irving K Barber Learning Centre.
David Korten is the author of The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, When Corporations Rule the World and the Post Corporate World: Life after Capitalism. He is co-founder of the Positive Futures Network and Yes! Magazine. He holds M.B.A. and Ph.D degrees from Stanford University Graduate School of Business, has taught at Harvard, and served as a regional advisor for USAID. His most recent book, Agenda for a New Economy, outlines an agenda to liberate the latent entrepreneurial energies of Main Street from Wall Street’s deadly grip and bring into being a new economy – locally based, community-oriented, and devoted to creating a better life for all.
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Recording notes
0' - 4'20" - introduction by Charles Holmes
4'30" - Korten's address begins
13'30" - "I'm not an economist"... but an organization systems analyst.
15'30" - The essence of money
19'40" - "The accountants run the world."
21'00" - From a society based on relationships to a society where everything is mediated by money.
24'20" - Financial institutions move from community-based to deregulated, abstract entities
27'40" - "phantom wealth"
30'15" - faster environmental destruction, concentrated wealth, institutions losing legitimacy, social fabric disintegrating, political system growing more corrupt
31' - the answer begins with a conversation
32' - the way most people are
37' - the creation of the new mainstream... there is hope
38'30" - new communication allowing for empowered grassroots movement, toward a position "true popular sovereignty"
39'15" - end of talk, beginning of dialogue between David Korten and Charles Olson
40'20" - "where does money come from, and who decides who gets it?"
45'45" - "we used to call this debt slavery"
47' - are corporate CEOs psychopaths?
51'- when sins and virtues become inverted
58' - audience questions
60' - Dolphins, statistics, money is interesting but what are we going to eat?
66' - Do we need more crises? Are we an intelligent species?
71' - where is the conversation happening?