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I am currently studying Economics and Calculus. I am just returning to college after taking some time off. Previously, I was admitted to International Relations, however, now I am more interested in business.

Mathematics: Building Blocks to an Infinite Reality

What can I state on the topic of mathematics that has not already been stated? How many minds have already sought to explain this strange language; to spread out it's vast frontiers? Each master that has managed to feed more of our universe under this simple lens finds new creations wrought from the raw materials that are discovered. Our complex environments are broken down into pieces that can be played with and manipulated in ways that would not have been possible before. Throughout time man has enjoyed leaving his marks on two dimensional surfaces but consider how the second dimension was changed forever by the Analytic Geometry system created by Renee Descartes. It must be considered a more profound expression than those of Picasso, Van Gogh, or even DaVinci. It is so simple that it can be recreated perfectly by grade school children, yet, even upon the summits of our ivory towers scholars devote their lives to the infinite possibilities presented when seeing a piece of paper through Descartes enlightened eyes.

Calculus= Constancy in a Changing World

If there is one thing that is constant in our world, it is change. No matter how permanent something may seem in the present, in the future it will always change. Since things are always changing, the state of everything in the entire universe can be perceived as flowing from one moment to the next in an omnipresent stream of time. Recognizing the present as merely a temporary position, one can more fully grasp the true nature of events as they are always unfolding around oneself. With this in mind, understanding the way that the world will change in the future is a skill that would prove to be quite useful. It would not be limited to any singular vocation or discipline but extend to each and every facet of ones life. Calculus uses the universal language of Mathematics to break down these changes into formulas and models that can even be viewed in pictures in the form of a graph. Which is why Calculus is an essential building block for so many fields of study. As important as it is to any discipline to be able to see how motion along the stream of time carries our world into the present, it is paramount in the field of business. In business decisions are constantly being made in the present to reflect a position that is sought in the future. Whether one is trading equities in markets or purchasing Real Estate, in business the idea is always the same; you want to buy low and sell high. It is inherent to business the understanding that in the future things will change. Sometimes, a businessperson must they them self affect the outcome of events in order to enhance the future value. Regardless, though, without the state of things changing it would be impossible to imagine a single penny of profit in any business transaction. Therefore, it must be an important skill to develop for a businessperson to be able to predict how the future value of things will change in time. This is why business people must study calculus at reputable colleges and universities. The ability to reduce complex real life situations to models that have graphs in order to be able to understand the marginal profits for selling more products in the future without enhancing ones facilities is only offered by the study of calculus. It is the ability to quantify improvements in order to understand the course of progress that will lead to the best possible future positioning that calculus offers. Calculus offers to business people the ability to decipher the flows of time that bring the future to the present in order that they can be harnessed and leveraged. In doing so, society as a whole is served by having more of what it seeks available to it. The simple ability to determine the rate of change for a single variable can provide valuable insight to a question of whether to produce one item or sell another. An ability that is simply calculus.