"Creating a Family in the LGBT Community:" Comment

"Creating a Family in the LGBT Community:" Comment

Great choice in a very timely topic, I think this discussion is really important today in combating normative ideas on what a family should be, and also combating the idea that if you are gay you will not be able to have a family (a permeating idea within society even today among heterosexual people, making it difficult for LGBT families to avoid prejudice). It is so important that people understand their options today and that these options be available to all kinds of couples, not just heterosexual couples. It was interesting to read about how children raised by same-sex couples will “develop in less gender-stereotypical ways’’ leading them to be more open and accepting, this makes a lot of sense to me, yet, I wonder if this point can actually claim to be universal? The point remains that, until we combat stereotypical thinking and normalize non-traditional ways of making a family, oppression will continue unhinged. I would love to see some more media on your page, perhaps some testimonials by LGBT families explaining their journey, trials and tribulations, etc. This video in particular, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-aQnaM5-ZI, highlights the importance of seeking equality for LGBT families through “advocacy, education, and support.” I could not agree more with this message, and the importance of us, as a society, having these conversations. I would also love to see your argument anchored in some more intersectional analysis, for example, are there “assumed levels” of access to adoption, In Vitro Fertilization, and surrogacy, that require a modicum of wealth/ middle class status? Does racism or sexism impact one’s access to these services or the acceptance they will receive from their communities at large? Perhaps including another subhead that focuses primarily on intersectionality, and how access to family planning services, acceptance from community, etc, can be determined by various social locations, might augment the page significantly.

SarahMiller (talk)18:47, 22 July 2018