
I'm glad to see more articles on trans topics! As a trans person, this is not only refreshing, but intellectually stimulating to see this kind of representation

You use the term "natal gender" a number of times in the second paragraph. This isn't a common term used by the transgender community, and I would suggest replacing it with "assigned gender" or "the gender [the child was] assigned at birth." Additionally, "apparent/non-apparent transgender child" is a strange way of addressing a transgender individual. A person's transness isn't always obvious or visible, and this term implies that it is somehow impossible for a trans person to pass as the gender they identify with. I strongly recommend replacing this language with something like "a trans person who is out" or "a trans child who has disclosed their gender identity." I may sound nit-picky, but using the "proper" terminology not only makes it easier to read and understand, but it also prevents people from developing negative associations towards the people described by the terms.

Have you thought about including a current events portion in the wiki article? In Kelowna and Chiliwack, there has recently been an effort to introduce trans and queer topics in elementary schools. It has received a lot of push back by parents and has been on and off the news for the past several months. If you are interested in incorporating that into your article, look up SOGI 123

EdenBeech (talk)05:19, 24 March 2018