Wiki Constructive Feedback

Wiki Constructive Feedback

Hi, you did a great job really narrowing in on a topic within the theme of discrimination. What a compelling and relevant topic in our society today as it slowly grows more accepting and people voice opinions to destigmatize our world. In your section “Children vs Adults”, it would be a good addition to your angle around child innocence and innate acceptance to reflect back to the TED Talk we were assigned in week 3 & 4. I remember Mullens (2009) expressing a point that children learn to notice differences and are essentially taught discrimination from adults, which may work well as a quick, additional reference if needed.

Aimee Mullens “My 12 pairs of legs”

BridgitPatchett (talk)04:49, 8 November 2017

Hi Bridgit,

Thanks for the feedback! I didn't remember that TED talk but it revolves around the reason I chose this topic (I believe young children innately have no issue in accepting their classmates as transgender-until adults get involved), so that is a perfect source to look into. Thank you!


ToreyWhite (talk)20:55, 10 November 2017