Gender Inequality

Hi Celina, I definitely believe that education is a key step towards gender equality! Education is one of the most formalized ways of reproducing society, and if we can impose change into that system, then it'll be one of the most effective ways for bringing progressive thought to the ideology of the next generation. On top of that, in your response to concerns about the effects of the family, I'd like to say that I completely understand. However, I'd also like to argue that I think schooling can be more effective. For instance, aren't there any beliefs that you have/hold that your traditional family values may not reflect? Even though you may spend a lot of time with your family, it does not necessarily mean that your own values have to be completely in alignment. So to respond, yes! Education can help to diminish gender inequality.

JadenLau (talk)07:44, 6 February 2017

I agree with Celina. Education helps people to become more open-minded and accepting towards different beliefs. This further helps to reduce the gender gap and work towards gender equality. Family does play a major role in how we think and what are beliefs are, however, education can help change those traditional family values. Beliefs change with social interaction and the older people get, the more their beliefs change through gaining experience.

NamraQarni (talk)04:53, 16 February 2017