The Symbolic Order and the Power to Name

Good example Madeleine. I think one of the effects of it could be seen when a person puts a title i.e. "manager" like you mentioned on their resume or coin a professional sounding name to a job that you have done before to make it sound more prestigious, when in reality the job itself wasn't a big of a deal or did not require any important skills..Naming can really take you far in this context because if a recruiter sees names for these highly regarded positions on your resume, they are more likely to give you the job over another person who named themselves as a past "server". Perhaps, it could also get you jobs that have higher wages similarly to the positions that the person has mentioned on their resume. So then if this concept of the power to name is taken for granted, could there be consequences? For example, people obtaining undeserved jobs

SoniaZaib (talk)18:38, 30 March 2017