Use Value

I believe that use-value could be quantified since it measures when it's being "used" by people and the desirability in the market. Could we not calculate the greater the market sales, the greater the value? Following the example of the new iPhone in the market, if nobody wanted to buy the phone we could quantify it as 0 but the more people that purchase it, the greater the value? The only problem that may come from the numerics is the value of the item. Would, for example, 100 million apples be the same as 100 million iPhones? I think that this draws into the idea of exchange value as well. I believe we can simultaneously use the same number for both. But we must factor in the personal value on items.

As the cliche quote goes, "One man's treasure is another man's trash", so applying this maybe we could suggest that one apple to a hungry individual could be worth an iPhone to a technology hungry individual. By applying personal value, I suggest that quantification of the values could be a potential.

KristyNg (talk)04:52, 27 September 2016