Exile and the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:SOCI370/Said

I think that examples such as the Syrian refugee crisis are interesting to note as Said outlines the shift from exile being an extraordinary and solitary punishment for one given individual to being a collective experience of large groups of people in present day times. The subtleties and nuances of these forms of exile can be more difficult to see and assess at first glance, such as your comment that exile can now be seen as a state of limbo, but the weight and effect of such experiences is not lessened simply because it may appear less drastic than older forms of isolation. I believe that the isolation of large groups can be overlooked at times because they are seen as having each other for support but that view can neglect powerful instances of social isolation in our world today.

MadeleineWeir (talk)17:35, 11 October 2016