Wage gap for Black women in today's society

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:SOCI370/DuBois

Other than the issue on the wage gap between people with different skin color, there is also gender discrimination in the labor market. This is similar to what DuBois proposed on the unequal treatment between Black individuals and White individuals. In the current labor market, some positions are only open towards female applicants and some are only accepting male applicants. Although the employer may not indicate this requirement prior the interview, but when it comes to decision making on who to accept, they will filter out the undesired gender.

HaoshenAn (talk)07:42, 13 October 2016

I agree with you that gender discrimination is also an issue in the labour market. Although in the text, DuBois mostly focuses on race, but he also emphases that reconstruction for economy is not only for race, but there is more than that. The current market seems to be still unfair to female, but compared to back in the days, the labor market improved slowly after the feminist movement. Women in the present are being respectful but when we look at different race of women, they might still need more improvement on being respect to women not only on labor force, but also in different areas.

RachelWaiChiMan (talk)09:02, 13 October 2016