
Overall, I hesitate to agree with Sen when he suggests that there is such a thing as "American Exceptionalism" or western dominance. I like to believe, that each country has certain circumstances which are a result of it's historical conditions, and its present conditions. Therefore, as India was highly collectivistic its goal was never to go and colonize/exploit other individuals. Instead, while Westerners were using others, such as Indians, to do their development, the Indians were doing others development (much more in line with Wallerstein's argument). This is one of the main reasons that India was unable to develop at the pace of the western countries. However, if you see now, India is the world's fastest growing economy. And yes, I would like attribute this to globalization. Globalization is allowing India to obtain individuals with high education level who come in and support the infrastructure. At the same time, India is also able to export the numerous amount of goods it creates. Globalization is also giving individuals in India to be up to par with western countries, allowing them from much faster acquisition of knowledge and tools which can help India develop.

NayantaraSudhakar (talk)01:55, 23 November 2016