Comment-- history of class struggle

Comment-- history of class struggle

I agree with Tina’s summary that every existing society has a history of class struggles. It is interesting to note that Marx’s historical materialism is present in every era, which contains a system in place that clearly distinguishes the divisions of labour into social classes. I like the example given by Tina of the modern global companies such as Nike because it is a testament that tension remains constant as the modes of production continue the change. In this case, as workers in the factory continue to produce Nike products, they will become poorer in relation to the employer. I think it is important to note that not only does a Nike employee working in a factory become poorer, which results in this division of labour, but they also become alien to the product they create due to the foreign targeted market of the product. They also are alien to production because the activity of the worker no longer belongs to the worker, and alien to human activity.

GisungHa (talk)07:39, 13 October 2016