Peer Review

Peer Review

Hi there! This is a really cool topic, and it's definitely a new direction to take the conversation around mental health. I think you started off very strong in your Summary section with giving context as to what medicalization is, especially with the inclusion of the examples. However, the Summary seemed to kind of abruptly end for me. You provide lots of examples to situate your argument, but it becomes somewhat lost afterwards. From what I see, this line: The social construction of what constitutes ‘normal’ behaviour and what must be treated is problematic at best., seems to be your main focus. Perhaps switch up the sentences so that you end off the section with an impactful statement rather than an example, or continue the section so that an argument is firmly communicated to your reader.

I liked the ways you delved into the topic in the rest of the wiki, especially in the last section where you speak about the intersectional part regarding medicalization, and how different racialized, classed, or seuxalized bodies experience the phenomenon differently. Again, I really like the examples you use to give a concrete picture for the reader, but it does lead me astray after a bit. It might just be the big body of text that might be making the wiki a bit hard to follow at its current form.

Be sure to add references to give context and backing to your arguments and facts! I know your in the process of formatting, so here are some links to help you out. If you click the "Help" link at the top of the edit box (next to Special Characters), you can also see a quick guide on how to format in the wiki!

Great start and can't wait to see the final product! Keep up the good work!

ErvinWong (talk)08:57, 23 March 2018