Peer Review: Me Too Movement In Korea

Peer Review: Me Too Movement In Korea


I think it would be really interesting to better position the reader to the current state of Korea and how sexual assault has been dealt with in the past and how it is being dealt with currently. After this, you could give insight into a few cases, like you have done so far. However, rather then just reporting facts of a story, try and provide analysis as to what the implications would be for women in terms of their safety and well-being. The best way to approach this topic from an intersectional view would be too compare the Me Too Movement to that in other countries, so that the reader can see how race, gender, sexuality, age, or culture, may play a role in the way that sexual assault is dealt with and reported. Rather then titling one section "controversy" maybe look at how each case is controversial and why, then you can relate this information back to that of similar scenarios in the west.

Make sure to provide sources for your information since you want to have credibility for what you are reporting on, or if people wish to further explore the topics themselves.

I hope you are able to gather some more information about the topic, it would even be interesting if you referenced some specific peoples posts via screenshots of their Tweets or Facebook posts. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your finished work!



MatteaTsang (talk)00:15, 21 March 2018