Peer Review

Peer Review

Fantastic page! You touched on a topic that I had little knowledge about, so I would like to give you my review from an objective point of view. Your writing was easy to follow, and you gave a great overview of what hegemonic masculinity means. However, it would be great if you could expand on how these traditional gender roles came about, and how they are reinforced in society.

In the Hockey Injuries section, I liked that you provided a few factors as to why athletes disregard their injuries and continue to play regardless of injuries. Perhaps this could be organized better with headlines / bolded titles or another way that makes it easier on the eye visually, so readers can quickly visualize the three reasons. The same could apply to Kevin Klein’s story, which was very informative!

Overall, I enjoyed the content you provided and the selection of information that was contributed on your page. My last suggestion for your final submission would be to edit your writing so that it isn’t in the first person perspective ("I..."), as this will reflect more of an objective, informative post, similar to other wiki pages. Moreover, I think it would be more advantageous to use more formal language and eliminate informal or colloquial language such as “he was always the biggest guy on his team,” as this will enhance the quality of your page! Great job and I hope my comments were helpful!

NatalieChan1 (talk)22:41, 4 April 2018