Peer Review

Peer Review

On the topic of Hegemonic Masculinity you do point out a solid solution to addressing this longstanding issue. However, I feel that there are a few more solutions that could help alleviate this. For example do you think NHL hockey players could play an influential role in creating awareness about certain situations? I think so, with recent school shooting having a massive impact Florida, Luongo, a former Vancouver Canucks player made an impassioned speech during one of their home games. This goes to show that NHL players do have an immense role in garnering support and raising awareness about certain situations. Like what Anastasia said, I also think you should talk about the WHL and its contributions to the matter at hand. It will offer another perspective into hockey from a woman's perspective, which is in my opinion critical to the conversation. Good topic, and interesting read, keep up the good work.

GodfreyCheng (talk)06:51, 23 March 2018