Wrong Solution and Missing Picture

Interesting. I have always been under the impression that a floppy/CD-R/DVD/Blue-ray disc was actually a physical object, hence three-dimensional. I don't think calling it a disc is a bad abuse. Apparently, even wikipedia and many book authors call it the 'disc method'. Googling for "cylinder method integration" gives you the method of cylindric shells, instead of the method used here. Hence the confusion. And if google says so, it must be right ;) Jokes aside. If you, as a math 101 instructor, say that you want to call it cylinders, then we call it cylinders.

I uploaded the picture and left both pictures in for now. I think the new image makes r=x/2 very clear, and hence I think the solution is QG now. Still I leave the review to Iain or Erin so that they can decide which picture they prefer. I don't think keeping both makes a lot of sense.

Carmen, our convention on how to add pictures to the wiki is here: http://wiki.ubc.ca/Science:MER/Adding_pictures

Bernhard Konrad05:27, 1 April 2012

"floppy/CD-R/DVD/Blue-ray disc was actually a physical object, hence three-dimensional."

Its sentences like this that make me hate the English language lol.

So I guess its how you interpret it - when I think disc in terms of math I always think circle. (I guess though in life as you've pointed out things have different meanings...)

I mean really I don't know what to call this - these darn application questions always get me - they're just work problems - you break up the object into small parts and do the math on them - whatever they are - as this is the first time I've ever seen it and my entire experience with them is from this textbook - its all I know lol. I know you guys are probably much more seasoned than me at this (and thus I'm learning a lot from your point of views)... so I mean idk when I taught it I called it a cylinder because that's definitely what made sense to me. In any case we could argue about this for a long time but in the end I don't care - if someone wants to change the word cylinder to disc every time - that's cool. Either way - the answer is correct and that to me is the main point.

In any case thanks for the pointer Bernhard (Re: adding pictures)- clearly haven't had a lot of time to troll - I just add solutions to problems that don't need pictures :D

CarmenBruni05:36, 1 April 2012

I made some small further changes such as moving the diagram to where I felt was a more appropriate place and removing the other diagram (if someone still needs it, here is the reference to it Math Exam Resources Courses MATH101 April 2010 Question 4 AntHill.png). I then finally flagged it as good because I do think we've reach a sort of equilibrium in the conversation. I think the best approach now is to just let it be and see how students receive it, if there are complaints about cylinders/disks or origin at the apex/the bottom etc. then perhaps we will have further updates. At some point I may work on tidying up the diagram, but it's definitely usable in the interim. As a side note, a lot of the language I use with these types of problems is usually done in a way that is similar to how they look at them in physics classes as to avoid students thinking that they're two entirely separate topics. This is something that's hard to do for someone who has not had a lot of experience working with these application centered problems before.

IainMoyles19:28, 1 April 2012