Peer Review Due on March 26

Peer Review Due on March 26


  • Physics content & explanations: Overall, your explanation is easy to understand.

I was wondering if the surface affect how Kwanggari sound? (you mentioned that its surface is not smooth). Also, it's great that you provide many details regarding the history of the music instrument & Korean tradition Pungmul. However, you can add more details about the different categories of Kwanggari [why male/female sound differently] I'm not exactly sure the differences between male / female kwanggari. [why male kwanggari has higher/sharper tone?]

  • Writing style: Pretty explanatory, and it's easy to follow your ideas; however, some run-on sentences need to be fixed.
  • Diagrams/Photographs: I know it might be challenging, but It would be great if you can provide photos taken by yourself.

Also, you mentioned the similarities/differences between luo and Kwanggari, so I recommend that you can put a photo of luo.

good job!

HsinHuaLin (talk)20:21, 19 March 2018