
Oh Walden I actually meant we could've just kept it simple without the coding. But if you'd like to do it like that then go on ahead and thank you!

I've also added a new reference for question 2 in the part about lymphatic vessel movement. Here is the reference:

Barrett K.E., Boitano S, Barman S.M., Brooks H.L. (2012). Chapter 31. Blood as a Circulatory Fluid & the Dynamics of Blood & Lymph Flow. In Barrett K.E., Boitano S, Barman S.M., Brooks H.L. (Eds), Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 24e. Retrieved March 27, 2015 from http://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/content.aspx?bookid=393&Sectionid=39736777.

DesmondHui (talk)01:46, 28 March 2015

kk thanks =)

WaldenCheung (talk)01:51, 28 March 2015

Wasn't sure if someone was doing question 1, so I put in a general answer, though I did want to know if any of you got any feedback on question 1. I omitted lab findings as both Alysha and I got feedback to say its not usually included. For now its a simple list, but when we write it into wiki I will make it into a nice looking chart!

NancyAttalla (talk)02:15, 28 March 2015

PS So we're putting our references into Wiki form?

NancyAttalla (talk)02:31, 28 March 2015


WaldenCheung (talk)04:06, 28 March 2015

Hey guys I put most of our stuff in the wiki, you guys can edit on the google doc still and just update me, I'll be busy till around 6 pm tomorrow. But I can help with the editing, all our references are in wiki form now =)

WaldenCheung (talk)08:22, 28 March 2015

Sounds good, thanks for the help and contribution Walden!

DesmondHui (talk)08:31, 28 March 2015

Thanks Nancy for inputting Question 1! Yeah i got the same remark about the lab findings. Are there anymore signs that we need to include then?

DesmondHui (talk)06:13, 28 March 2015