Practice Problems

Practice Problems

I'm not sure if this is the right place to write this or not but since it's a question to do with the reading it seems like a reasonable try. It seems like we're moving away from readings in the text (which is good, I think, because I find it to be massively confusing.)

But I was wondering what you would suggest as the best thing to do for practice problems? Would you say:

a) just sort of go through the book and do problems that appear to be related to what we're doing in class?
or b) would you be able to suggest problems for us to try in the book even though we're not relying on it so much for reading material?

I know that you suggesting problems might cause more work for you so I don't want to ask for it if it is a huge pain. However, we have limited time in class and so I find it helpful to a) work on the problems you normally suggest with the readings and b) to know what types of problems you are thinking I should be able to do so that we are on the same page.

Anyway, I'm trying to say- if it's not too much trouble would you mind suggesting practice problems from the text to go along with the reading assignments? If you do I promise to do them.


Victoria Bass20:15, 28 December 2010

Hey Victoria,

This a very fair and actually good question. In my evil plan to reduce the use of the textbook notes, I kinda forgot about that. I'll post suggested problems from the textbook (if there's one good thing about the textbook, it's its massive collection of exercices) so that you know on what you can practice all that stuff. I'll try to get this done sometime tomorrow (Tuesday Oct. 26) and will send a mass email once its done.

Thanks for the feedback,

David Kohler20:17, 28 December 2010