
What are the two papers? This should be upfront. The aim then is to describe the advance of one over the other. This reads more like a general survey than what was asked for.

Each Figure need an explicit reference on the page. You cannot take a figure from somewhere and use it as you own. (Fair use is okay if you refer to the content in your text, but you need to give explicit reference so no one will think it is your own work.)

Please be explicit about whether "quadratic complexity" is to do with time or space. The way it reads, it seems to imply transformers are quadratic in space. (Where does quadratic space come from?)

What is " factual knowledge"? Where does it come from? Why is there a figure for EMAT, when it doesn't appear in the text?

DavidPoole (talk)21:05, 13 October 2023

Thank you for your feedback. I've made several improvements based on your suggestions:

- I removed sections like EMAT to streamline the article. - I retained the introduction to Transformer-XL, aligning it more closely with RMT and explaining its relevance. - I emphasized RWKV's contributions over RMT in various sections, including a dedicated comparison section, the abstract, and the introduction. - I've added citations for the figures. - I've updated the term 'quadratic complexity' to 'quadratic time complexity' to address the specific issue you pointed out.

AmirhosseinAbaskohi (talk)07:21, 20 October 2023