thoughts on the personal archives page

thoughts on the personal archives page

This is strong, I enjoyed it a lot. The diversity and representation section seems weak in comparison to the rest, I wonder if you might consider expanding on it a bit? Maybe bring in some more of the theory, ideas of how to work with people to build participatory appraisal, how different communities have different ideas of what constitutes a record, the challenges that brings to archival practice? I'm thinking of Katie Shilton and Ramesh Srinivasan's article about the power of representation and participatory practices.

It would also be interesting to see Australia in the personal archives around the world section, given McKemmish's early article.

Shyla (talk)20:55, 24 March 2015

I'm definitely planning to exapnd the diversity/representation section. Do you have a citation for the Katie Shilton and Ramesh Srinivasan article? I haven't heard of that before and it sounds cool! I had also considered including Australia in the around the world section. There's a later McKemmish article written with Frank Upward that I want to review but haven't got to yet :)

AdenaBrons (talk)23:10, 24 March 2015

hi, here is a pdf: I'm not sure how much it mentions personal archives, but it does talk about under represented groups extensively. Hopefully still helpful!

Shyla (talk)16:51, 25 March 2015

Thanks! I'll check it out.

AdenaBrons (talk)00:14, 26 March 2015