The Listening Post

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The Listening Post

The Listening Post(2003) is a art instillation created by Ben Rubin (EAR STUDIO) and Mark Hansen.

Artist's Biographies

Ben Rubin

Ben Rubin is an artist rooted in New York. His works are exhibited in various museums, for example San Jose museum of art. He studied in Brown university, then went on to MIT media lab. He also taught at Yale school of art. In terms of art, he is interested in installation and performance art, creating artworks in those realms. [1]

Mark Hansen

Mark Hansen is a professor of journalism in Columbia journalism school. He is strong in the realms of computer science. As he studied Ph.D. on statistics and B.S. in applied mathematics. [2]

Content/Subject Matter

The Listening Post is a compilation of online data that expresses the manner in which we communicate and connect with one another online. The work is made up of uncensored real-time text fragments from internet chatrooms, bulletin boards, and various other online forums. The viewer is subjected the scale of online social activity and the human expressions that occur within it. This piece speaks to the current moment in which people are able to use communication technology to readily exchange views on a mass scale. [3]

Exhibition Techniques

The Listening Post is an art installation to be viewed in a gallery space. Listening Post is displayed across a suspended grid of 231 small screens. As the work involves online text read or sung by a voice synthesizer, the piece tends to be displayed on its own in a carpeted space for better sound. During a movement, which involve a wide range of filtered phrases from online chat rooms, a phrase will scroll across each screen while it is read aloud.[4] [5]


Makoto, Kathy, Helen and Sasha