
From UBC Wiki
  1. Run the inlist from the test_suite called c13_pocket to develop a Carbon-13 pocket in the AGB star. Plot the abundances profile at the star and the end of the run as a function of mass enclosed (H, He, C, N, O) as a function of mass enclosed. Plot the key burning rates as a function of mass enclosed. Focussing in on the region where the Carbon-13 abundance is greater than 10-4, plot the abundances of the same species as before.
  2. Plot the abundance of Carbon-13 as a function of the cumulative mass of Carbon-13 through the pocket. Note the abundance at the 10th, 30th, 50th, 70th and 90th percentile. This divides the pocket into five zones with different typical amounts of Carbon-13.
  3. Take the mass fraction of iron to be 10-3 throughout. Consider that every carbon 13 nucleus will generate a neutron through 13C(α,n)16O, how many neutrons are generated per iron nucleus in the zones noted in the previous part.
  4. Assuming that the number of neutrons added to a given iron nucleus is distributed as a Poissonian, what is the resulting distribution of nuclei as a function of atomic mass for each zone? What is the total abundance pattern? How does this agree with the observed abundances of elements beyond iron?