Talk:The Medicalization Of Transgenderism

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Peer Feedback021:44, 10 November 2017
Suggestions018:52, 7 November 2017

Peer Feedback

Hi, great topic choice! I see you mention the issue of the lack of knowledgeable doctors regarding transgender specific medical care, and the subsequent long wait times. In addition, you could also address the health-care discrimination issues that transgender people face in seeking medical help. Also, in the cons section, consider looking into the risks that transgender people face in regards to taking hormones. These hormones can open people up to a wide variety of health risks. I am really looking forward to see what your final page looks like!

ToreyWhite (talk)21:44, 10 November 2017


Interesting topic! Although it seems like some sections aren't completed yet, I thought I'd offer you some suggestions anyway. I think it would be great if you included celebrity examples (such as Caitlyn Jenner). Also, you have a heading on "access and medicalization." Perhaps this could be broken down into two different sections? I understand that you are trying to connect the two, but I feel like it would be clearer for readers to see sub-headings. Also, you do discuss accessibility is an issue, due to costs and side effects, etc. I think it would be great if you took an intersectional standpoint and narrowed this topic down. Do all individuals have equal accessibility? What about marginalized groups and people of color? For instance, I imagine people of color facing additional stigma depending on the cultural background they are from. Perhaps this would be noteworthy to mention in your wiki.

I hope this helped! - Gagan Cheema

GagandeepCheema (talk)18:52, 7 November 2017