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Great Topic015:20, 29 July 2018
Very interesting topic 010:40, 24 July 2018

Great Topic

You have a great topic and intersectional approach. I thought that your introduction was very well written but in the sections after that I found some sentences to be a bit confusing. I would recommend reading these sections over again or maybe getting a friend to give you a second opinion. For example, I am not sure what you mean in this sentence: "Negative outcomes for HIV positive African American gay men include a higher mortality rate, an increase in proportion of aids cases from 19% to 34%, and the lowest decline in death rates across all groups".

There is also an inconsistency in your information since you say at one point that the “history of HIV screening are similar across groups” but then you later go on to say that “Black men who have sex with other men have a lower rate of HIV screening than their white counterparts”. Maybe I'm misunderstanding but these two statements seem to directly contradict each other.

Regina Adshade Moore (talk)15:20, 29 July 2018

Very interesting topic

Hi Katherine, I think this is a great topic, and I think the flow of this wiki page is really nice. I think it’d be nice to clarify where the increase in HIV infections for gay black men are happening(specifically Canada or US/ East or Westor/ urban or suburban) and maybe looking into the disparities in different states and provinces in North America.

I think the focusing on Black gay men and HIV is great, and I also think for the purpose of discussing intersectionality, it would really strengthen this page if you added some stats on heterosexual black men, women, and trans population. I think there’s already a disparity on the black population as a whole in the HIV prevalence rate, and showing that the disparity is even greater for the intersection of the black and gay population would help the readers see the situation better.

Also for citations, if you add your reference by clicking the “cite” button, it automatically creates the numbers for the references and you can keep using those numbers by just copying them.

JiHyunChoi (talk)10:40, 24 July 2018