Talk:Glass Cliff

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Adding some Media 005:03, 6 August 2016
Relevant media002:47, 6 August 2016

Adding some Media

Hey there! Super informative page, everything is clear to understand and I gain a good understanding from everything I have read. As mentioned before it would be awesome to add in some media as well, I know there is probably lots of great things you could find that would enhance your page! Cheers!

SaraLisk (talk)05:03, 6 August 2016

Relevant media

Very clearly explained concept. Thank you! I especially liked how you went further in depth identifying the problem by introducing the "Think Manager-Think Male" and "Think Crisis-Think Female" phenomenon.

To make further use of various mediums to enhance your wiki page, I found some videos and newspaper articles. The one on Hilary Clinton is especially relevant today as the US presidential elections campaigns are currently ongoing. Here are the links:

Hope this helps!

XiYuanLi (talk)02:47, 6 August 2016