Talk:Discrimination based on sexual orientation

From UBC Wiki


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Comments021:06, 1 March 2019
Comments107:52, 28 February 2019

Hi Vicky,

I also really liked how you defined your topic very clearly at the start before you derived into the issue and resolution, it inspired me to do the same with my own topic rather than just assuming the readers know what I am writing about. I find that the way you have organized your information with an introduction, what, why, issue and resolution is very informative and easily to follow.

JiaShengJian (talk)21:06, 1 March 2019

Hi Vicky, I really like your wiki page on discrimination based on sexual orientation. I find that your page is super well organized with the headings separating all your important points. By giving a definition of discrimination in the context of sexual orientation, I find that it help clarify and provide further understanding of how a specific type discrimination is for this particular situation. The way you organized your heading also help the reader clearly understand what you will talk about and gain basic knowledge regarding the topic before going into further details. The information itself is very concise and clear.

PaphadaChantrakul (talk)05:52, 28 February 2019

Hi! Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad that you were able to read through my wiki page clearly.

VickyWu1 (talk)07:52, 28 February 2019