Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH152/April 2016/Question A 21/Solution 2

From UBC Wiki

As in the (third) hint, let denote the projection onto and let denote the projection onto . If is a point on the plane, then (by the geometric interpretation of projection) is the point in such that the line containing and is perpendicular to . It follows that the range of is .

Now, let be a point on the plane like before. To determine (recall that ), note the following. is mapped to , which is in . Moreover, is mapped (by the geometric interpretation of projection) to the point in such that the line containing and is perpendicular to . But is perpendicular to , and is contained in , so is contained in and in . As the only point contained in and in is the origin, the range of is the origin.

And the only matrix that maps the entire plane to the origin is the following matrix, which is our answer