Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH152/April 2011/Question A 27/Solution 1

From UBC Wiki

Recall that the definition of an inverse of denoted is

where is the identity. Now assume we want to solve for some . If is invertible then by the above property we can left multiply by to get

so we conclude that if is invertible then only has , the trivial solution and that option c is correct.

Now assume we wanted to find eigenvalues . If we wanted to find zero eigenvalues then we'd need to solve but as we saw above, the only solution to this if is invertible is which is not a valid eigenvector. Therefore, if is invertible then it does not have any zero eigenvalues and option d is correct.

A square matrix of size always has eigenvalues. If the matrix has rank then there are always non-zero eigenvalues and zero eigenvalues. Since in this case we have shown that there are no zero eigenvalues then or , thus the matrix has rank and option a is correct.

Recall that rank has to do with the number of pivots in a row reduced matrix. If has full rank (rank ) then there will be pivots which means two things. We have shown that all invertible matrices have rank . Firstly this means that the row reduced form of is the identity matrix (since it has pivots) so option b is correct and secondly it means that there are no rows of zeros which means that , so option e is correct.

Therefore, from starting with the definition of an inverse we were able to deduce that all of the options are correct.