Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH152/April 2011/Question A 14/Solution 1

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As per the hint, we only have to consider the transformation of 4 special points. These points are the corners of the square. Linear transformations cannot distort the edges of a figure in such a way that they split an edge into a new corner. Therefore, the transformed figure must have the same amount of corners as the original figure. Because of this, it is easiest to just transform the corners and then connect them to make the new figure. Our transformation matrix is

and the four corners of the square are [0,0], [1,0], [0,1], and [1,1]. Firstly notice that the origin will always map to itself because no matrix can multiply [0,0] to produce anything but [0,0]. Therefore, we really only have to transform 3 points. The transformation of [1,0] is,

The transformation of [0,1] is,

and the transformation of [1,1] is

Therefore we have transforms to , transforms to , transforms to and transforms to . The plot to the right


shows the original points in while the transformed points are in . We complete the figure by connecting the corners.

Notice that in this case it may appear we have lost a vertex but really, as we computed above, two are just overlapping one another. We see that we have turned our square into a line, this is typical of a projection operator (recall that a projection operator maps vectors to a single vector). In this case, if we try to form a projection operator to the vector [1,1] we get (a multiple of) our linear transformation matrix A (try it yourself!)