Quality assurance designing quality online course

From UBC Wiki

Online Course Quality Cycle


The main phases of online course development cycle, in majority of instructional design models, follow Analysis > Design > Development > Implementation > Evaluation (ADDIE) model (most of the current instructional design models are spin-offs or variations of the ADDIE model). In the framework presented here and used at the Centre of Teaching, Learning and Technology, the course development happens in five Phases including Planning, Design/Development, Production, Implementation, and Evaluation (PDPIE). In each phase basic steps are illustrated and key/promising elements and required documents for a quality course are shared. The goals of this resource are to assist you to:

  • Build on your current instructional design skills/strategies and learn about online course development cycle.
  • Improve the quality of your online course.
  • Investigate and identify various effective promising practices and checklists for online course development and delivery.

Below are two checklists; one for course development phases and one for quality elements:

Online and Blended Course Quality Checklist

Online Course Development Checklist

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is added to this resource as the recent development in the area of online learning carrying three key characteristics:
1) low cost or no cost,
2) open access
3) large-scale participation

MOOC Development Checklist

edX MOOC checklist

Note: If you are working in a team to develop an online or a blended course, it is very important to agree on the roles and responsibilities. Please review the Course Development Team section of this resource.


Please provide your comments and feedback to Afsaneh Sharif at afsaneh.sharif@ubc.ca.

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