Library:Sutherland/Physical Therapy/Topics
Evidence Based Practice Resources
Started in October 1999, free online resource; bibliography and abstract for 350 systematic reviews and 2,400 randomized controlled trials in physiotherapy.
Evidence-based Practice - AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Full reports on a variety of conditions {click on Topic Index: A-Z for a list). Also, resources on clinical practice guidelines.
Netting the Evidence Google Search Engine: ScHARR (School of Health & Related Research)
A search engine within Google that searches over one hundred web sites (107) associated with the METHODOLOGY of evidence based practice
CIRRIE (Center for International Rehabilitation Research and Information Exchange)
Includes an encyclopedia, and the Database of International Research,which contains citations, abstracts, and in many cases, links to the full text of articles that report research conducted in countries other than the U.S.
CIRRIE International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation
Includes four hundred articles on rehabilitation and disability topics identified through terms found in the CIRRIE and REHABDATA Thesauri, the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health ( ICF) and the International Index and Dictionary of Rehabilitation and Social Integration (IDRIS)
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) - Open Access version
Structured abstracts of systematic reviews. About 15,000 citations. This site is open access
National Rehabilitation Information Center(NARIC): REHABDATA Literature Database
Abstracts of books, reports, articles, and audiovisual materials relating to disability and rehabilitation research
Evidence Based Practice Background
Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) Online 
Prepared by graduate students in the UBC and McMaster Online Graduate Studies
Users' Guides to Evidence-Based Practice - Centre for Health Evidence
Described on site as "the complete set of Users' Guides originally published as a series in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)." Selected by Jeremiah Saunders, eHelp Graduate Academic Assistant
WCPT Keynotes: Critical Appraisal Skills - Reading tips for the clinician: How to tell whether an article is worth reading. World Confederation for Physical Therapy - WCPT
2 pages from the WCPT explaining why evidence based practice is necessary, and how to apply it by finding a review article, and questions to ask when evaluating the source.
Evidence Based Practice - An International Perspective - World Confederation for Physical Therapy
39 pages on EBM (evidence-based medicine) from the Report of an Expert Meeting of WCPT Member Organisations, 13-15 October 2001, held at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, London, UK. Summary is posted as a highlight on this resource page.
Evidence Based Practice - An International Perspective - World Confederation for World Confederation for Physical Therapy
2 page summary of the Report of an Expert Meeting of WCPT Member Organisations under the title "Evidence Based Practice - An International Perspective - World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT)."
Evidence Based Practice Search Aids
Simultaneously searches for original studies, systematic reviews, and practice guidelines from multiple sources. Searches for studies are revised up to 6 times as needed, while guidelines and systematic reviews may be revised once each. Results from PubMed, Dare, and NGC are merged and sorted
TRIP: Turning Research Into Practice
A clinical search tool designed to allow health professionals to rapidly identify the highest quality clinical evidence for clinical practice
Patient Care
Physiotherapy and Primary Health Care - Freedom to function 
11 pages discussing the opportunities for physical therapists in primary health care by looking at the current status, barriers and participation of professionals in this field