Library:GettingPublished Conferences

From UBC Wiki

Conference papers are an excellent way to "test the waters" of your work. Delivering a conference paper will allow you to gain feedback from colleagues and scholars in the field prior to delivering a manuscript to be published. Think of the conference as a first step in peer review. Additionally, some conferences will ask for your paper to be submitted to their own publication.

For further information read:

Finding Calls for Conferences

Humanities and Social Sciences Net - Online

  • An international consortium of scholars and teachers, H-Net creates and coordinates Internet networks with the common objective of advancing teaching and research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.

Conference Alerts

  • Conference Alerts brings together two groups of people - conference organizers, and academics who need to stay informed about conferences. We work with both small first-time conference organizers and established professional societies to ensure that notification of their conferences reach specifically interested parties. The website also includes a list of Canadian conferences.
  • To learn about using Conference Alerts, download this handout.