Learning Commons:Student Orientation/Content Editing/Add a thumbnail to landing page

From UBC Wiki

Depending on which page you're planning to add a thumbnail, the procedure will be different. See the headings below for specific instruction.

For documentation on how to add a "flag" to the thumbnail, see the documentation on Learning Commons:Student Orientation/Content Editing/Add a flag to the thumbnails on the Landing Page

Adding a thumbnail to Student Toolkits, Resource Guides, Faculty Resources

an example of the landing page on the Learning Commons website.
  1. Go to the child page that you want to add to landing page (For example "Interacting to Profs") and press edit.
  2. Under Page Attribute , from the "Parent" selection bar, select the landing page you are planing to add (For example "Student Toolkits" )
  3. Under Featured Image, add the image you want it to display on the landing page. The image has to be 340 by 218 pixels
  4. Under Excerpt, type a short description about the child page. (Note: If the Excerpt is not showing up, click on the screen option that is located on the top right of the screen and tick "Excerpt"
  5. Save the page.

If you are planning to add a new child page to Online Learning page,

  1. Go to the child page that you want to add to the Online Learning page and press edit
  2. Under the visual/text editor, scroll down to Custom Field
  3. Under the name, select the custom field. Select: is_OnlineLearning (Note: If it does not appear, you can manually type instead of selecting)
  4. After you select the appropriate custom field, under value, type in 1 . In programming language, 1 means yes or on. On the other hand 0 means no or off.
  5. Press Add Custom Field and save the page.
  6. Under Featured Image, add the image you want it to display on the landing page. The image has to be 340 by 218 pixels
  7. Under Excerpt, type a short description about the child page. (Note: If the Excerpt is not showing up, click on the screen option that is located on the top right of the screen and tick "Excerpt"
  8. Save the page

If you are planning to add a new child page to Academic Support

  1. Go to the child page that you want to add to the Online Learning page and press edit
  2. Under the visual/text editor, scroll down to Custom Field
  3. Under the name, select the custom field. Select: is_AcademicSupport (Note: If it does not appear, you can manually type instead of selecting)
  4. After you select the appropriate custom field, under value, type in 1 . In programming language, 1 means yes or on. On the other hand 0 means no or off.
  5. Press Add Custom Field and save the page.
  6. Under Featured Image, add the image you want it to display on the landing page. The image has to be 340 by 218 pixels
  7. Under Excerpt, type a short description about the child page. (Note: If the Excerpt is not showing up, click on the screen option that is located on the top right of the screen and tick "Excerpt"
  8. Save the page

If you are planning to add a new child page to Our Space and Equipment

  1. Go to the child page that you want to add to the Our space and equiptment page and press edit
  2. Under the visual/text editor, scroll down to Custom Field
  3. Under the name, select the custom field. Select: is_SpaceEquipment(Note: If it does not appear, you can manually type instead of selecting)
  4. After you select the appropriate custom field, under value, type in 1 . In programming language, 1 means yes or on. On the other hand 0 means no or off.
  5. Press Add Custom Field and save the page.
  6. Under Featured Image, add the image you want it to display on the landing page. The image has to be 340 by 218 pixels
  7. Under Excerpt, type a short description about the child page. (Note: If the Excerpt is not showing up, click on the screen option that is located on the top right of the screen and tick "Excerpt"
  8. Save the page

If you are planning to add a new child page to Tutoring& Advice

  1. Go to the child page that you want to add to the Tutoring and Advice page and press edit
  2. Under the visual/text editor, scroll down to Custom Field
  3. Under the name, select the custom field. Select: is_TutoringAdvice(Note: If it does not appear, you can manually type instead of selecting)
  4. After you select the appropriate custom field, under value, type in 1 . In programming language, 1 means yes or on. On the other hand 0 means no or off.
  5. Press Add Custom Field and save the page.
  6. Under Featured Image, add the image you want it to display on the landing page. The image has to be 340 by 218 pixels
  7. Under Excerpt, type a short description about the child page. (Note: If the Excerpt is not showing up, click on the screen option that is located on the top right of the screen and tick "Excerpt"
  8. Save the page