Ideological/Cultural Hegemony Theory

From UBC Wiki

The theory of ideological/cultural hegemony as articulated by Gramsci posits that cultural hegemony occurs when subordinates and dominants reach consensus and this involves subordinates expressing approval of dominant values, symbols, beliefs, and opinions.

An ideology – such as the notion that men are superior to women or that women are better suited for family care than men – is hegemonic when it has 3 characteristics, according to this perspective:

1) It is part of everyday thought – it’s seen as common-sense, what everyone does/believes, taken for granted, just accepted

2) It promotes social cohesion by papering over/obscuring contradictions/explaining away contradictions

3) The ideology implies a freedom to choose - there is no iron fist saying you will have to do this or that, free to choose gender identity/behaviour

All these 3 characteristics are necessary for ideological/cultural hegemony.