Documentation:Standard Operating Procedures for Thermolyne 62700 Muffle Furnace

From UBC Wiki
Thermolyne 62700 Muffle Furnace
  1. Please obtain proper training from the FNH teaching lab technician Imelda Cheung ( prior to using the muffle furnace.
  2. Place the large piece of brick in the fume hood (the purpose is to ensure the door of the muffle furnace can be open in the fume hood).
  3. Place the Muffle Furnace in the fume hood (the ashing process will produce strong odour) a day prior to experiment.
  4. Label the crucibles with lids with pencil and place in the main chamber.
  5. Plug in the furnace, turn on and pre-ash the crucibles at 550oC overnight.
  6. Turn off furnace and wait until temperature drops to 250oC before opening the chamber.
  7. With a pair of tongs, remove the crucibles carefully from the furnace chamber to a desiccator to cool.
    It is important not to leave fingerprint as it will significantly affect the weight.
  8. Record the weight of the empty crucible without lid and place samples.
  9. Place the crucibles with samples in the furnace chamber.
  10. Plug in the muffle furnace and turn on to ignite at 550oC for 18 hr.
  11. Repeat Steps 7 – 8 and record weight of ashed samples in the crucibles.
  12. Unplug muffle furnace and remove the furnace and the brick from fume hood.
To reserve a time to utilize the muffle furnace, please visit