Course talk:PATH417/Case 3/Group 2

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Group2408:29, 8 March 2015

Hi all,

What parts of the question do you each want?

And which 3 pathogens do you want? I noticed we had 3 overlapping ones: n. meningitis, Hib, and s. pneumoniae so perhaps we can save ourselves some work and do those.

WaldenCheung (talk)02:10, 2 March 2015

Yeah I think we should stick to those 3 bacteria. Everyone okay with doing a Wiki? What sections should we make and how to divide up?

WylieLi (talk)02:52, 2 March 2015

How about we each do 1 question?

1) Narrowing in on the bacterial causes, what are the most common bacterial pathogens associated with this infectious scenario--> give the names and descriptions of N. Meningitidis, S. pneumoniae and HiB = Person 1

2) What samples are taken for laboratory testing and how important is the Microbiology Laboratory in the diagnosis of this disease? --> give descriptions of how to draw, transport, store etc the Cerebrospinal and Blood sample = Person 2

3) Explain the tests that will be performed on the samples in order to detect (all of) the bacterial pathogens that may be causing this disease --> give the presumptive identification tests AND the results that will be performed: Gram stain, Latex Agglutination test, Rapid Diagnostic Test = Person 3

4) For each potential pathogen, what are the expected results from these tests--> How to culture each bacteria and the confirmatory tests used to identify the bacteria= Person 4

Let me know what you guys think! :) I would like to do the last question if it's ok but if someone else wants to do it, then it's all urs! :)

KiranRikhraj (talk)18:11, 2 March 2015

I can do #2. Maybe post by Saturday afternoon or earlier so everyone can edit before deadline? Also does everyone want to / know how to put references in Wiki style? We can do that too.

WylieLi (talk)19:31, 2 March 2015

I can do number 3, do we need to include serology as well? I didnt add serology in mine because there were a huge amount of serotypes.

Wylie for the references follow this template [1]

It will show up at [1] but the HTML format is this ( < ) ref name="UBCPATH" ( > ) Li., W. (2015) UBC Pathology Case Study 3: The Microbiology Lab. Retrieved March 2, 2015 from ( < ) /ref ( > )

if you want to use the same reference use ( < )ref name="UBCPATH" / ( > )

    • Just remove the round brackets

Then at the end make sure you display references with (< ) references / (> )

  1. Li., W. (2015) UBC Pathology Case Study 3: The Microbiology Lab. Retrieved March 2, 2015 from
WaldenCheung (talk)21:13, 2 March 2015

Thanks Walden. I actually know how to do it, just wanted to make sure everyone is comfortable doing it so that we don't have half in 1 style and half in another. So everyone ok with doing that? For serology, maybe just stick to the general/nonspecific tests like latex agglutination. Otherwise it's splitting hairs due to the number of serotypes as you said.

WylieLi (talk)22:28, 2 March 2015