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Thyroid Therapeutics
PHAR 451
Instructor: Dr. Peter Loewen
Office: PHRM 6624
Office Hours:
Class Schedule:
Important Course Pages
Lecture Notes
Course Discussion

Pre-session Objectives

  1. Be able to describe the physiology of thyroid function.
  2. Be able to explain the biochemical parameters used to evaluate thyroid function.
  3. Be able to describe the pathophysiology of the most common causes of hyper- and hypothyroidism.
  4. Be able to name the signs and symptoms of hyper- and hypo-thyroidism.

Session Objectives

By the end of the the session and upon further study and reflection, students should be able to

  1. rationalize a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism on the basis of signs and symptoms combined with lab tests.

  2. design, implement and monitor (efficacy/toxicity) an effective pharmacotherapeutic plan for managing Graves’ Disease.

Pre-session Assignment

  1. Obtain Peter Loewen's Thyroid Physiology, Pharmacology, & Pharmacotherapy PLOP.
  2. Read Brent GA. Graves’ Disease. N Engl J Med 2008;358:2594-605.
  3. Complete the self-assessment questions below
  4. Obtain and review the session slides, posted in Connect.

Preparatory self-assessment questions

1. The predominant hormone secreted by the thyroid gland is

a. Triiodothyronine
b. Tetraiodothyronine
c. Liothyronine
d. Parathyroid hormone

2. The metabolically active thyroid hormone, (________), is produced mainly (_________)

a. T3, in peripheral tissues
b. T4, in peripheral tissues
c. T3, in the thyroid
d. T4, in the thyroid

3. The most common cause of hypothyroidism in North America is

a. Iodine deficiency
b. Graves’ disease
c. Amiodarone
d. Autoimmune thyroiditis

4. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism in North America is

a. Iodine excess
b. Graves’ disease
c. Autoimmune thyroiditis
d. Toxic multinodular goitre

5. Which constellation of symptoms is most consistent with hyperthyroidism

a. Depression, constipation, ascites, bradycardia
b. Normocytic anemia, pleural effusion, menorrhagia, myalgia
c. Bradyphasia, eczema, proptosis, paresthesia
d. Thinning of hair, amenorrhea, osteoporosis, muscle weakness

References & Additional Reading