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LFS 150 was designed as a way for first-year students in LFS to form a cohort early in their academic careers, to practise good literature research and writing skills, while exploring the diversity of study areas within the Faculty.

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Course Overview

This course introduces communicating concepts of food systems and links to human and environmental health through writing. The elements of argumentation, evaluating evidence and searching for and citing references to back up claims are key. It is a small-class experience with an emphasis on active participation. Students can use either LFS 150 or ENGL 112 for their first year communications requirement, but are allowed to receive credit for LFS 150 and ENGL 112.

Course Requirements

There is no prerequisite for this course. Students must be enrolled in their first year of a Faculty of Land and Food Systems program and receive a Language Proficiency Index (LPI) of 4 or equivalent.

If you have questions about LFS 150, contact Dr. Christine Scaman, Associate Dean, Academic by email christine(dot)scaman(at)

Find out more

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