Course:FNH200/2014w Team06 ProteinPowder

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What is Plant-Based Protein Powder?

[1]Plant Based Protein Sources

A plant-based protein is blend of multiple protein sources derived from plants. For example, Vega protein includes: pea protein, sprouted whole grain brown rice protein, savvy seed protein and alfalfa protein, which is gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free and vegan. Such formula can be used to add protein to ones diet for various health reasons and are generally used as an alternative to whey[2].

The History of Vega

The Vega formula was created by Canadian Brendan Brazier. In his early days as an triathlon ironman, Brandon once sought to find a organic formula in which he could gain enough nutrients and energy to sustain his exercise intensive lifestyle. However, in his initial search, he was unable to find a solution that could keep his body going. Then, as he was recovering from an injury, he came across a few products, Chlorella and Maca, which helped boost his recovery time significantly. This gave Brandon hope and he sought out the creator of these products, Charles Chang, and proposed to him to create a completely plant-based nutrition shake. With Charles, the two drew up a set of guidelines that all Vega products must abide by:

  • Made with all natural, plant-based ingredients (absolutely no animal products)
  • Made primarily with whole foods in their freshest, least processed form possible
  • Provide a balance of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats, plus a significant contribution to your daily intake of vitamins and minerals when mixed in plain water
  • Feature proteins from a diverse variety of vegetarian sources that combine to deliver a complete essential amino acid profile
  • Provide carbohydrates that are naturally occurring, complex and low-glycemic, with no added sugars or sugar-derivatives
  • Deliver essential fatty acids of the highest quality, the majority being Omega-3s, with no trans fats
  • Free of dairy, gluten and soy
  • Include no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners
  • Taste good with pleasant texture and flavour when mixed with plain water
  • Easy to prepare for on-the-go convenience

After many testings, the two finally created the Vega One which kickstarted the Vega company which has grown to what it is today.

Protein Today

There are many different kinds of proteins on the market today. The most popular are: whey hydrolysate, isolate, concentrate, egg, plant based, grain based (rice). Likewise, the main reason people choose protein supplements are:

  • athletes: good source of protein for muscle building
  • vegetarians: good source of non-animal protein
  • lactose intolerant: non-dairy derived proteins available
  • allergies: many options available

Nutritional Claims

[3]Vega Sport Protein

Complete, synergistic, alkaline-forming Featuring 5,500 mg of BCAAs[4].

Improve Strength

After a workout, consuming protein, especially branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) helps the body rebuild muscle, and reduce recovery time.[1] With a reduced recovery time, people should be able to workout harder, train more frequently and naturally gain strength.[5].

Build And Repair Muscle

Vega Sport Performance Protein contains 25g of complete protein and 5,000 mg each of both BCAAs and L-glutamine. Protein helps foster quicker recovery by repairing and rebuilding muscles that were broken down by training. The amino acids in protein such as leucine, isoleucine and valine are branched amino acids (BCAAs) which stimulate protein synthesis following exercise and help in converting the body from a catabolic mode (state of breakdown of molecules) to an anabolic mode (growth and rebuilding state).[2] Glutamine is an amino acid which repairs muscle cells after exercise.[3]

Help Support Immune System

Immune function is another element of recovery along with muscle repair. Vega Sport Performance Protein contains the amino acid L-Glutamine that aids in boosting immune function because it acts as fuel for immune cells. Since intense exercise reduces glutamine in your blood, consuming 5,000 mg of glutamine in Vega Sport Performance Protein after exercise can help support the immune system.[4], Brandon once sought to find a organic formula in which he could gain enough nutrients and energy to sustain his exercise intensive lifestyle. However, in his initial search, he was unable to find a solution that could keep his body going. Then, as he was recovering from an injury, he came across a few products, Chlorella and Maca, which helped boost his recovery time significantly. This gave Brandon hope and he sought out the creator of these products, Charles Chang, and proposed to him to create a completely plant-based nutrition shake. With Charles, the two drew up a set of guidelines that all Vega products must abide by:

  • Made with all natural, plant-based ingredients (absolutely no animal products)
  • Made primarily with whole foods in their freshest, least processed form possible
  • Provide a balance of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats, plus a significant contribution to your daily intake of vitamins and minerals when mixed in plain water
  • Feature proteins from a diverse variety of vegetarian sources that combine to deliver a complete essential amino acid profile
  • Provide carbohydrates that are naturally occurring, complex and low-glycemic, with no added sugars or sugar-derivatives
  • Deliver essential fatty acids of the highest quality, the majority being Omega-3s

How To Use Vega

Adults: Mix one scoop (33g) of Vega Sport Performance Protein in 1-1 ½ cups (250-375 ml) of cold water. Take once a day.

Drink Vega Sport Performance Protein 45 minutes after your workout. For optimal recovery, Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator is the first phase of your recovery—20 minutes after your workout. Then when you use Performance Protein 45 to 60 minutes after a workout your muscles can more efficiently repair and rebuild. Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator initiates the recovery process, allowing the ingredients in Vega Sport Performance Protein to effectively build and repair muscle in the hour after working out.

Vega is safe for cooking, it can be used in baking such as muffins and pancakes.


Discontinue use if signs of allergy appear and consult a health care practitioner. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are taking prescription medication or if you have a serious medical condition. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use if seal is broken.

Preservation and Processing

There are four main ingredients in Vega. These include: pea protein, sprouted whole grain brown rice protein, savvy seed protein and alfalfa protein. The pea protein goes through a process called pH isolation where a saline or salt water solution is used to separate starch and fats. The other three proteins are mechanically extracted by methods called concentration. Thus the pea protein is an isolate, and the sprouted whole grain brown rice, savvy seed and alfalfa proteins are a concentrate. No chemicals or solvents are used during these mechanically processes. Drying of pea protein is carried out by freeze, spray or drum processes. Freeze and spray-drying resulted in isolates with the highest emulsification and water absorption values whereas spray drying produced the best foaming, color and flavor properties[6].

[7]Process of Pea Protein Extraction (click to enlarge)

Amino Acids Are Zwitterionic

The building blocks of proteins are called amino acids. They are characterized by an alpha carbon with four bonds which contain an amino group, a carboxyl group, an “R” group residue specific to each amino acid. Zwitterionic means that the compound can exist in a dipolar form, meaning it can carry a positive or negative charge; in the case of amino acids, which form the amino acid takes depends on the pH it is exposed to[8].

General pH Isolation Process

[9]Process of Rice Protein Extraction (click to enlarge)

Isolation is a way to thoroughly extract the desired protein through an extraction medium. In this case, Vega has chosen a salt water solution. At an alkaline pH, proteins become soluble due to the negative charge on their carboxyl group, whereas fats and carbohydrates remain insoluble. Thus the proteins are dissolved within the liquid component of the mixture (Supernatant). The supernatant is then separated from the solid component which contains all the carbohydrates and lipids. The pH is then brought down with an acid until the proteins isoelectric point (Where the net charge of the amino acid is zero, usually at neutral pH) is reached. At this stage the amino acids are no longer highly soluble and will precipitate. This precipitate is the desired protein, and the precipitate is centrifuged and extracted from the solution[10].

General Concentration Process

The concentration process involves solubilization of the solid components of the source of protein desired in a medium, it is usually an acid or a base. When solubilized, the solution mixture of all the aggregate components (protein, fats and carbohydrates) is then filtered out and dried, leaving a concentrate. For example, in the process of making cheese, the liquid component left behind after curds are formed from adding lactic acid bacteria and rennin is called whey. This liquid contains the desirable whey proteins, but also contains lactose and fats; it is concentrated through drying and a solid component left behind is the protein concentrate[11].

Vega compared to Soy protein: Soy protein goes through a high heat drying process and acid extraction to lessen the whole food source into a concentrated protein powered in a similar way to Vega, only many soy's use chemicals in the processing. Firstly, the soybeans are washed in alcohol to dissolve the sugars and then they are dehulled and defatted and ground into either flakes or soybean meal by hexane extraction.[12] The carbohydrate portion of the soy is also removed.[13]Ethanol or acidic water is used to extract the protein which in a soy concentrate should be anywhere from 65-70% protein.[14] When acid is used many of the soy isoflavones are lost, whereas with Vega, no chemicals are used, only water, therefore many of the isoflavones are retained (these enzymes have been linked to antioxidant properties).[12]


The soybean protein becomes insoluble in water when the pH is adjusted to 4.2. With this low pH, it is possible to dissolve the sugars without the use of special solvents. This process is a lot safer due to the absence of flammable solvents. On the other hand, it is more difficult to remove the water from the soy protein. Most of the water is removed with rotary vacuum filters or centrifuges. The obtained solids wet milled and spray dried.[13]


With this process, the soy proteins of defatted soy meal are first rendered insoluble by thermal denaturation. The meal is heat treated and then extracted with hot water to remove the sugars. The process is similar to the acid-wash process.[13]

Concentrate Vs Isolate

In protein powder terms, the only difference between a protein concentrate and a protein isolate is one more step. As described previously, all protein sources will undergo the general concentration product to yield a Protein Concentrate. A Protein Isolate is when the concentrate is refined one step further. In the case of Vega Sport, the protein concentrate undergoes the pH Isolation process described. This will separate the proteins or specific protein from the rest of the concentrate components. Using Whey Protein again as an example: Once the Whey Protein concentrate is extracted, undergoing the pH Isolation process will removed the Whey proteins from the lactose and the fats, yielding a purer protein source. Deciding which form to use depends on the nutritional requirements of each person.[15]

Storage and Packaging


Keep in packaging in a dry, dark area. Keeps for approximately 2 years.


The Vega products have switched to a new bottle made with 100% post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic. With this change in packaging, Vega has saved 63% less carbon dioxide and uses 86% less energy than virgin plastic. PCR is made out of a product that has already served it purpose and has been diverted or recovered from ready-to-be-disposed waste, it has completed its consumer life. Within the next 2 years Vega plans to switch to 100% PCR bottles which will:[16]

  • Save 278 tons3 of CO2—63% less CO2 than virgin plastic. This much CO2 could fill 353 parade balloons, making a balloon-only parade 4 miles long.[16]
  • Divert 233 tons4 of plastic from the waste stream. Made into Vega bottles stacked end-to-end, that’s a stack 58 times the height of Mount Everest.[16]
  • Use 86% less energy than virgin plastic.That’s enough energy saved to run 140 averaged detached single family homes in America for a year.[16]

Health Risks

The overconsumption of proteins can increase the risk of osteoporosis and dehydration. High protein consumption can disrupt calcium homeostasis in the bones which causes increased excretion of calcium. Protein intake is positively correlated with urinary calcium loss. However it was found that animal-based protein has a more negative affect than vegetable-based protein does on the human body.[17]

In order to metabolize protein the body must use a large amount of water, this is why an adverse effect of protein overconsumption is dehydration.

Digestive Issues and Allergies

Some people may experience temporary, cleansing-type symptoms, so start with one-quarter (1/4) of a serving and gradually increase intake over the next few weeks and drink plenty of water (at least 8 cups a day) with increased dietary fibre intake to minimize the following symptoms:

Bloated stomach and gas:

Vega protein contains fiber and the body may be not be used to a higher fiber diet; the bacteria in the GI tract will produce gas as a result of fermentation of the the extra fiber. However, over time, the body will adjust and the symptoms of bloating and gas will decline.


People with weak digestive systems or those who eat few fruits and vegetables are most vulnerable to having their body remove unwanted substances (diarrhea).


Dehydration is a potential cause for constipation, so foods high in fiber should be followed with plenty of water.

Ingredients and Additives


[19]VegaSport Performance Protein Vanilla Nutrition Information

Sprouted whole grain brown rice, pea, alfalfa, and SaviSeed protein combine to create 25 grams of complete protein with a balanced amino acid profile.

  • Made with all natural, plant-based ingredients (absolutely no animal products)
  • Made primarily with whole foods in their freshest, least processed form possible
  • Provide a balance of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats, plus a significant contribution to your daily intake of vitamins and minerals when mixed in plain water
  • Feature proteins from a diverse variety of vegetarian sources that combine to deliver a complete essential amino acid profile
  • Provide carbohydrates that are naturally occurring, complex and low-glycemic, with no added sugars or sugar-derivatives
  • Deliver essential fatty acids of the highest quality, the majority being Omega-3s, with no trans fats
  • Free of dairy, gluten and soy
  • Include no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners
  • Taste good with pleasant texture and flavour when mixed with plain water
  • Easy to prepare for on-the-go convenience

Amino Acid Profile

While there are numerous health claims made by Vega about the benefits of their amino acid profile they have chosen. There is no one specific role of an amino acid in the body; they are used in numerous processes that are regulated by our body and not only for muscle growth. The L and D put in front of each amino acid name simply states which configuration in 3-dimensional space the amino acid occupies - All amino acids in the human body exist in the L configuration[20].


Glutamine is an amino acid which helps to repair and build muscle cells after exercise. It is also a component of digestive and immune system health. During times of stress after exercise, it is essential in the transportation of ammonia out of the bloodstream after periods of exercise. It is also crucial in biosynthetic reactions to making Glutamate (another amino acid), which is needed in the Glucose-Alanine cycle which gets rid of Lactic Acid within the body after strenous exercise[21].


SaviSeed (sacha inchi) protein, a rich, plant-based source of the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is a key component of serotonin production which is responsible for mood regulation. It is also used in Pyruvate production in the body, which is the essential component of the citric acid cycle which is one of the steps in creating ATP (the bodies main source of energy)[22].


BCAAs (branched chain amino acids) are essential amino acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine), which cannot be made by your body and must be eaten. BCAAs are metabolized in muscle tissue, rather than in your liver, so they can be used faster. BCAAs help to transition your body from a catabolic (breaking down muscle) to anabolic (building muscle) stage after exercise. They have been shown to have an anabolic effect on protein metabolism either by decreasing the rate of protein degradation or increasing the rate of protein synthesis[23].

Functional Ingredients

American Ginseng

[24]American Ginseng
  • A herb harvested for its roots which are used to create medicine.
  • Effects include stress relieving and immune system enhancing.
  • Also effective for people with diabetes.
  • Vega claims that it helps in performance and physical capacity boosting


  • Claimed by vega for inflammation management
  • Main spice used in curry
  • Actual effectiveness not proven
  • Can also be used for those with osteoarthritis


  • Chemical within our bodies that help in tendon, ligament and cartilage building
  • Vega uses it to help sustain healthy joints.
  • Also used for those with osteoarthritis


  • Used by our bodies to conduct electricity and it is lost as we sweat during exercise
  • Vega adds Electrolytes to help restore water balance during and after a workout
  • Sweetened with stevia which is non-caloric, natural sweetener that does not add sugars to the nutritional profile and is not a sugar alcohol or chemical derivative.

Sensory Properties

The sensory properties of Vega include taste, smell, and visual appearance. Vega plant-based protein has not been bleached or treated with any chemicals to alter its color which is a yellowish-white color. There is no added sweetener, however non-medical stevia leaf extract is used to create a better tasting product. Vega vanilla has an earthy, creamy taste and when mixed with fruit in a smoothie can taste similar to whey. Vega leaves a chalky film-like feeling in the mouth and smells similar to a sweet flour, almost like a pancake mix. Shortly after consuming one scoop of Vega you will feel full for longer, without any bloating sensation, because of the high quality protein content.

Exam Review Question

What is the difference between a protein isolate and a protein concentrate?

A protein concentrate is the solid remaining residue left over after a protein source has been ground up and placed in a solution that solubilize the desired matter (protein, fats and carbohydrates) from the undesirable material such as fibre and cell structures. Protein is more soluble than fats or carbohydrates, thus the solution will contain mostly protein. The solution is filtered and then dried, the left over precipitate remaining is the protein concentrate.

An isolate is simply further processing of of a concentrate. The concentrate undergoes further processing using pH isolation to separate the proteins from the carbohydrates and fats. Leading to a higher concentration of protein per unit mass.


  4. http://
  5. http://
  8. Lehninger, A., Cox, M., & Nelson, D. (2012). Principles of Biochemistry (6th ed., pp. 75-96, 670-690). New York, N.Y., New York: W H Freeman &.Co
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Soya: http://
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 Soya: http://http://
  14. NCBI: http://
  16. Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Soya:
  17.  :
  18. Soya: http://
  20. Lehninger, A., Cox, M., & Nelson, D. (2012). Principles of Biochemistry (6th ed., pp. 75-96, 670-690). New York, N.Y., New York: W H Freeman &.Co
  21. Lehninger, A., Cox, M., & Nelson, D. (2012). Principles of Biochemistry (6th ed., pp. 660-690). New York, N.Y., New York: W H Freeman &.Co
  22. Lehninger, A., Cox, M., & Nelson, D. (2012). Principles of Biochemistry (6th ed., pp. 660-690). New York, N.Y., New York: W H Freeman &.Co
